music: fight for this love - cheryl cole (listen!!)
i got sore throat and my throat is feeling all warm and uncomfortable and i sound weird.
i dont want be sick!!! ):
esp when got so many plans!!
ohya turns out my malacca trip is 2 days 1 night. -_-
aiyo dono do what.
and no theme park. haiz.
friday go sch and chiong math hmwk.
and got back report book.
aiyo very ugly leh the results ):
whatever lar will work hard next time. then get good progress award again LOL. ;D
netball. it was raining. then we run 7 rounds must climb up and down stairs de =O
then court dry abit liao, mslim made us do running stuff.
ran lor. kena scolded cos i nvr show diff between jogging and sprinting o_o
the worst-then-suicide runs... maybe i din use my full limits as i just measuring myself not to be last.
so din really feel tired after everything. quite shiok actually :P
then did ball drills. and played mixed match with seniors.
played GA for 1st and 4th round.
decided that im better at GA then GS. duh i love running around anw GS also so hard to block -_-
sijia had a happy time thundering to della the GS o_o
oh della decided to call me 'clo-clo'. so then I decided to call her 'deh-deh' LOL.
anw after that went to meet jayi carina sixuan cheryl jingqiau for dinner.
ate 7eleven's mac and cheese. eww la the thing still so cold even after we heated it up roarz.
walao then the ice milo i asked for lesser ice still give me so much ice!!!
oh and there was happy reunion for jingqiau and moses as the gang came to have their dinner. haha.
went back to school. went for the streaming talk.
camwhore at sch toilet before that lol.
went to hall le. quite alot parents went.
then mrscheah started talking... 70% of the parents behind werent even listening lol.
me and jayi took photos under covers hehe.
then at the ending mrs terrence was like ''if you have any enquires pls feel free to come forward and ask we will be most obliged to help you blablabla'' then while she still talking all the parents started going out of the hall right in front of her eyes dont care her LOL
-mrs terrence pwned-
stayed back to wait for jayi's parents. cos they fetching me home :D
then on the way to the car some 2/3 girl came and asked jayi to lend her phone so her parents still continue walking dono ma. then
jayi: (mum)MYYY!
parents: *turn around*
her dad: huh you siao ah?
lolol damn funny leh her father's reaction was like laughing.
cos maybe thot they go home first then jayi would have to ownself go home in the dark dark night.
lol then her pap somemore say in so serious tone LOLOLOL.
ok. :P
reached her car, jayi pangseh me alight first at her house.
awkward~~ but ok la they only ask me how i go sch from my house.
saturday went for youth and 1john.
wanted to go for movie with cell group one... but all the movie all got ppl watch/ppl say boring/NC16.
yep then went pasir panjang for dinner with mum.
had satay and bbq chix wings and the satay rice thing.
nice dinner :D
afterwards went to watch percy jackson LIKE FINALLY.
walao the movie din impress me sia. is like focusing on getting the pearls not the lightning bolt.
then storyline so kiddy.
i din get the out-of-breath-feeling after that which i usually get after watching good movies lol.
and somemore 2hours. haiz. even Up is better then this.
but the medusa very cool leh 8D
sunday went tuition. failed to get ken's iphone to play ):
oh and tried out short cut to 7eleven in NUS but i got lost so had to go back LOL.
went to mum's office. did maths acelearning.
some of the questions very hard sia.
after that go home.
today... haiz whole day stay at home with my sore throat.
supposed to go out with yueyi but she last min got cca.
then actually yirui darren ask me go out with them but i in the end decline cos dont feel like going out.
at least got accomplish some work. not much thou. ):
and in case you din realised i editted my wishlist.
looks less demanding :D c'mon guys help me fulfil them!!! ;D
tmr. meeting mingsiew estella at jp to buy present in the morn.
afternoon meeting with hist group go imm buy stuffs. then go jayi house! :D
k byez.
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