bought a dress just now for christmas service later!
my first dress!!!! whee~
ohya the prev post i say i cut hair right.
realised they also go layer my fringe.
wth who layers their fringe?!?!?!?!! -_-
now it looks damn thin not nice le!!! ): how sch gona open soon!!! ):
yummehhhhz. but sian la my sunny side up fail! ):
at first okay sia! then i trip flip... then the yolk broke TT.
chiong finish christmas cards after that.
i finished 39 cards leh!!! ^^ gona give out after christmas service :D
k then went to Jacks Place to eat their set dinner.
lazy upload all the pics here's 3.
the lobster meat damn nice (Y) and the steak too. but medium too cooked alr kinda tough. TT
went home did some sewing LOL and fb~
training~ fined $2 for orange nails. paid $1 only shhhhh siti!!! :P
forget bring my ankle guards so i borrowed yq's and charity's
now i have 3 person's ankle guards with me o.o including amanda's.
training was. hmm did new drill. and played matches.
yixuan almost kup me sia O.O
but i kup her twice ^^ lol :/
oh and we got our new training tees! yellow and blue collour :D
infront nth one damn plain. behind got the NETBALL and small small commonwealth sec 2011.
went to imm for lunch. many of us were healthy and ate yong tau foo ^^
then go daiso buy face jewelry 8D for the bling bling theme for netball christmas party.
me mingsiew and tanya share 3 packs wheeee~~
then the rest go home. me and ms do homework at BK.
LOL i ask her create chinese story for me. then when she reading out her story i fell asleep :X HAHAHA damn funny then when i opened my eyes (NELLY~) i saw mingsiew scrunching up paper gona throw at me LOLOLOL :/
study until 5.30 then go home~~
wed. went vivo with dahua and yinqi!
first walk around finding a place to have lunch.
ended up at carls jr. siao the prices DAMN EX SIA I DIN KNOW O.O
dahua and yq share one meal. i eat onion rings :D
then go shop shop look for the other's person de present.
success sia we managed to buy ^^ but dahua kena cheated LOL.
i managed to control myself and did not buy anything i WANT. :p
studied at superdog :D
with cheese fries THAT COST $4.50 SO EX as our snack :)
nice sia. and me and yingqi managed to go SOME work.
dahua only like read 2 pages? then spent the remaining time doodling. lol -.-
after that went to pet shop see the dogs 8D.
got some hyperactive~ then some got tie ponytail de cute~
then go skygarden take jumpshots LOL.
my first time taking :x
cool cool. yq best photographer for jumpshots. i phail. keep wrong timing.
dahua teach awhile can le ^^
went to buy bubble tea and took a train home!
stupid la they keep squishing me in a corner! :@
took awkward photos on train. everybody staring at us LOL.
esp on green line train :X
k thats all! need wake up early later so need sleep naooo.
goodnight :) have a blessed christmas.
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