woooo hi 2ne1 rocks :)
she look damn chio in Go Away!!!!
and minzy is damn cool in Clap Your Hands.
:) :) :) go listen.
k so long no update.
today... went to some orientation for sec1'11 briefing.
della and yingqi go cambodia... then me and siti have to take over as "cca leaders" -.-
supposedly we have to be OGLs/gamemasters for the orientation....
waliao! then when they come back we can back out anot??
ya so we had rather fail discussion.
left 1 hour early :D
went to church. practice for praise. i ended up as singer instead of guitar lol :X
k la i managed to use the high voice for the whole 3 songs. with my sore throat. hehe.
DEO. cool vid. then normal discussion + food.
went to mum's office to work after that. yay moolah :) :)
went to metro to redeem some discount.
tmr going back to shop hehe. hopefully can persuade mum to buy some OPI polishes ^^
Friday. went out with netballers! :D
met at cityvibe subway for lunch first. i brought my bball along~ cit brought the pump.
so ya pump liao we go devous court play :) :)
fun play until sian then use my phone watch vids :D and slack at fitness court and spam throw half court LOL.
anyhow one la! nobody scored -.-
then all decided go my house lol.
flood my living room o.o put laptop on floor and everybody crowd around watch kpop mvs. haha.
then they left at 6+. ~
ohya. tuesday i lost the netball cage key. yes yingqi i did.
then i wed afternoon then realised is lost... lx and me went to search canteen cannot find. general office also no.
went home and called dahua cit they all. then they say help me find again on thursday :)
thurs morning fail find again. go back class.
then halfway thru dahua cit amanda suddenly appear at the door say found my keys!!! whew!
heng sia. if not i dono what to do le. maybe go secretly steal mrs loh's keys and go make new one. :X
but yeah thank God i found it! THANK YOU!!!! :)
thurs. got back report book.
wa my results damn nice sia. eng chinese maths sci geog all B3 all the way.
coool siaz. after recess went hall for awards presentation and deepavali.
after sch go play bball with netballers lol again.
this week play 3 times le :X tues also.
after that go find Miss Teo to book dance room for us haha! then ms teach me more Oh dance yay.
went bbt. and pei ms in her cab to home lol. she dropped me off at jp then i mrt back~ i so nicsh accompany ppl. :D
wed.. need take care of stupid booth for the whole day. with jayi.
haha in the morning we chiong set up. not bad ba.
we look like some slackish nerds there spend so little effort to deco lol :X
then students came.... i did all the talking. lol -.- jayi shiok shiok.
wtf got 3 sec1 short basketballers from 1/7 come my booth then disiao.
''eh isnt she the netballer? ya _____'s one right! eh _____!~~''
then the weiwei. wtf lol i go up to him ''eh i know you come try see -''
THEN HE GO ''i dont know you'' and walk off.
i got pwned. whatever.
after sch search for keys.
and me and caru pei jayi to her dental.
lol while waiting apparently we made alot noise :/
coincidentally met yueyi also! then we all play monopoly deal LOL while jayi inside.
and she also go help us make the first move to cook the maggee mee!!! hahahahhaa nice sia.
cos got some food displayed there then i say i wan maggee mee she just take the cup and open and pour water. lol. dont even know whether is for us -.-
nvm we all finished it :D
106 back~ studied Oh vid with caru~
tues... had interclass handball competition.
k la quite fun the first few matches.
2/4 got third... for both girls and boys.
thats an achievement for us o.o
after that chiong write NYAA booklet. sit until leg numb -.-
then mrlim keep disturb lol wth he lives at clementi ave2!!
btw ya i live at clementi ave4. ....
after sch bball with netballers again!
then the coach see us then lend us the bball haha to play at other side of court.
wow and mr tay asked us whether want join some 3v3 competition outside.
their coach also volunteer to train us. haha.
dono la i maybe getting yingqi siti della. need 4 players per team ma. siti alr very on so waiting for other 2 to come back~
but i scared becos of that competition injured sia.... :/
went bbt.
monday no school. went with sx to jp to shop~
have to help her choose gifts for cw lol. not bad la :)
i also bought some hair rubber bands.
yay yay yay yay yay!
but now i dono when to spray. ..
then met guys but they go play at some park zz -.-
then sx go home~ met up with vee on the way to grandma house :) :) :)
sunday~ class girls + nicholas kianhui kbox! :D
babes had our own room haha. then whoever want visit came and pei us :)
went crazy we got alot space so we keep jumping on the sofa and dance and sing LOL.
shiok shiok. sang until i sore throat :X
pics on fb alr :)
lalala then we went to jp to walkwalk.
go bk eat high tea~ go to cool little things to see cute guys LOL.
kaiying and me went in twice -.- hahahahahaa!
then took 1hour bus ride to mum's office~ wooo.
thats allllll. i finished this post on sunday. lol.
just came back from buying a printer from taka. finally...
had good stuff at coffee club for breakfast. bacon (Y)
then saw the subaru challenge also. my mum ask me dont join lol -.-
will spend the day working. moolah~~